It's Saturday afternoon, I'm sitting in my room. Looking out the window, it been a sunny day like the past few days. I slept all the way through the afternoon after three days working at the garden. There is only a week or so till Conference 08. I been located to the coffee cart, ya the whole week I'll be making coffee. I remember last year about this time, me and my friend both thinking abut the further and how it would make the different in people's lives through this conference. The story turn out we're both sick and didn't even make it through the whole week. It didn't turn out the way we think, like many times... I think of this year how I make my decision to come to college. How I been challenge. How I make many mistakes. But overall, I see God lead me through every trials. Knowing He is Able and as always... coming back to the Heart of Worship.
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