Sunday, October 08, 2006

Freedom In Me~

Yesterday I went to the service. Being part of the family I would said! It was really great to gather together. We talk about freedom tonight. What’s it all about when we said freedom in Christ. The world with poverties, sickness, homeless... People were facing depression, hopeless and living a meaningless life. They were being “boxed”, as a Christian we are “called” to share the words of God, to save the world, to build his Kingdom!! But in the same time we are so easy to being put down by people’s disagreement, things we do might not sound right with people “expectations”. So often we can be “boxed”. The devil uses all kind of different way to “boxed” you. If you’re not moving, if you’re not showing your love to people, you’re just being “boxed” here. One thing is true to them, they don’t really have to tempted you do anything bad you know, the devil is happy to just “boxed” you. This is always a way here, by the power of the cross, we are set free. Jesus came and saved the world, he died on the cross for our sins, and he defeated death so that we can live with Him in Spirit and Truth. So here is the freedom, you’re not longer “boxed” by your own thoughts, cultures, or anything other thing. You’re free, free from all the things, you’re not longer called a failure… You are a child of God!!

I pray we will always remember the Freedom in Christ

Peace Bro~


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