Thursday, March 13, 2008

Life of Purpose

I found myself getting up really early lately. One of the reason is that I haven´t really do much exercises in the past few months. So I decide to rise up and run laps, plus I found out I can´t really do my quit time on my bed, caz I´m so gonna to fall sleep. I found the hardest thing in the morning is to set your mind set right, you know how you easy wondering if you don´t have a sense of purpose. I think of how easy I can let things catch in my heart. How easy I can have the wrong mind set of viewing things. We are easy distracted if you don´t have purpose in our heart.

I don´t know about you, but I don´t want to be the person that not growing. Oh how I found myself fall in that track in the past, over and over again. But one thing haven´t changed, Purpose will remain. For God´s purpose for you CAN NOT be CHANGE. What do you do with the time is left, are you wasting another day, or you going to live what God purpose in you. From Morning till the Sun down I want, I desire what God had for me.

Year 2008,

To Be A Greater Leader, to lead and set example to others, lead them to Salvation
To Be A Valiant Man, understanding man, and put value in people
To Be A Servant, to serve and build His Kingdom

Overall, I´m called to Seek Him like never before!


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