Perfect Mark
I went to College Orientation yesterday. It wasn't a large intake, but I'm sure there is something new. I can't stop thinking just about half year ago I was in this very room, believing this would be a great year. And honestly would said this year been really hard, hard on myself I guess. I do confess I take it way too personal on everything I do. It is really not easy to focus when all "within" seem to go wrong. But the very time God you remain faithful. I know you haven't forsaken me , Your promise is true. I need not to pretend, I need not to fear, I need not to worry. I'm your child, and it hasn't change... and will never change.
I remember the very first prayer I said... when I was very little. I pray that God will give me a 100 marks in a test. I felt the very hand from the Father and He answer my prayer! I got a 100 marks on that test! What a JOY!! I remember how I run home and tell everyone in the house, " I got it, I got the 100 marks!!"
I remember that was such a gift to me... from God personally! I was happy. My youth, like many others... We all had a moment like that. How we used to dream, how we used to say "one day I'll become..., one day I'll do this" And that touch, How we remember that loving hand of the Father.
The question is...What make us lose that so easy?
-(Pause and Think)-
Is it loneliness?
Is it the harshness... of your friend? your parent?
Is it the things you done wrong, and still live in the past?
Is it someone that had hurt you?...even the church?
Is it the very evil that we encounter out there.... or even within?
We stop believing, we stop hoping... we been so hurt that all we can think of is "how everyone is against us, how we just exist, how we need to be someone we're not... and no one will ever understand."
As I grow up, my parent broken up and my dad leave me... I don't have much friend... most of my youth I felt very lonely. My mom tried hard to rise us up. I remember how hard I tried to fit into that school circle. How I long for my father to take me home like others. How I long to for someone who cares... I felt rejected... I tried, and tried hard, and fail. Over and over again, I felt like, I missed the Mark...Where are you Father?
I heard that statement somewhere before,
"Don't blame the school that hasn't teach you, because they had never been taught. Don't blame your parent, because they had never know. Don't blame that this generation if they don't believe, because they had nothing to believe on. Don't blame God, because the Father had never been far from you"
Not knowing or refuse to believe this God is still with me...
Years later, I I went to Canada on my own. I remember the very day I was at that summer camp. It was raining, and I still remember how that preacher said "Would you let His love washing over you tonight?" For years I been fighting that very thought, I missed the Mark, I can not still be His beloved one. I remember God saying You're still 100 marks cause Jesus had gave that to me... (pause and think) I'm still 100 marks, the very thing He gave me... not much about me, but He gave the very BEST for me. He came for me, He has always been there for me.
I gave my life to Jesus!
It is the touch of God saying,
"You're my beloved Son"
How we need that touch,
How we long for that touch,
The touch of the Father!
I'm writing this to tell you God had mark the perfect mark, and there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus (Romans 8) the Bile said we are complete in Him and you need not to prove anything, you need not to blame no one, he already put up the Cross, he already pour out the Blood and He said "You're my child, and You're my beloved ones!"
When hope was lose He will be your Saviour, when pains surround He will be your Healer!
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21NIV)
I remember the very first prayer I said... when I was very little. I pray that God will give me a 100 marks in a test. I felt the very hand from the Father and He answer my prayer! I got a 100 marks on that test! What a JOY!! I remember how I run home and tell everyone in the house, " I got it, I got the 100 marks!!"
I remember that was such a gift to me... from God personally! I was happy. My youth, like many others... We all had a moment like that. How we used to dream, how we used to say "one day I'll become..., one day I'll do this" And that touch, How we remember that loving hand of the Father.
The question is...What make us lose that so easy?
-(Pause and Think)-
Is it loneliness?
Is it the harshness... of your friend? your parent?
Is it the things you done wrong, and still live in the past?
Is it someone that had hurt you?...even the church?
Is it the very evil that we encounter out there.... or even within?
We stop believing, we stop hoping... we been so hurt that all we can think of is "how everyone is against us, how we just exist, how we need to be someone we're not... and no one will ever understand."
As I grow up, my parent broken up and my dad leave me... I don't have much friend... most of my youth I felt very lonely. My mom tried hard to rise us up. I remember how hard I tried to fit into that school circle. How I long for my father to take me home like others. How I long to for someone who cares... I felt rejected... I tried, and tried hard, and fail. Over and over again, I felt like, I missed the Mark...Where are you Father?
I heard that statement somewhere before,
"Don't blame the school that hasn't teach you, because they had never been taught. Don't blame your parent, because they had never know. Don't blame that this generation if they don't believe, because they had nothing to believe on. Don't blame God, because the Father had never been far from you"
Not knowing or refuse to believe this God is still with me...
Years later, I I went to Canada on my own. I remember the very day I was at that summer camp. It was raining, and I still remember how that preacher said "Would you let His love washing over you tonight?" For years I been fighting that very thought, I missed the Mark, I can not still be His beloved one. I remember God saying You're still 100 marks cause Jesus had gave that to me... (pause and think) I'm still 100 marks, the very thing He gave me... not much about me, but He gave the very BEST for me. He came for me, He has always been there for me.
I gave my life to Jesus!
It is the touch of God saying,
"You're my beloved Son"
How we need that touch,
How we long for that touch,
The touch of the Father!
I'm writing this to tell you God had mark the perfect mark, and there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus (Romans 8) the Bile said we are complete in Him and you need not to prove anything, you need not to blame no one, he already put up the Cross, he already pour out the Blood and He said "You're my child, and You're my beloved ones!"
When hope was lose He will be your Saviour, when pains surround He will be your Healer!
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21NIV)
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