Friday, October 20, 2006

City Trip~

I went over to the city and I’m going to meet a guy, umm he is friend of my friend which I don’t really know him. So the whole story start should go back to a month ago, I was at ECC church, *that’s the church Harmony went to and I went there several times, so I was checking out the board and I found the connect group page *like cell group type thing*, so I was phoning random people on the page ha Lol, and I found the name of Turner, *Hey Dave you’re the man Lol* anyway I phone a guy Harry Turner and I have a chat with him, and I found out he is actually from Australia, well what can I say and I ask him if I can have some support there, so here I’m going to meet the friend Harry introduced me Lol Do you guys believe in connection God to you? Well, that was the first time I went to the city and it is really big I would said Lol umm, I get off the train and walk through the shopping centre and I went to a place call Town Hall. It is a really old building I think and we meet there.

His name Darrly, and he is from Singapore, he move to Australia several years ago, to tell the truth I don’t know why I want to see this guy I mean I suppose to find someone helping me to find some school information, but through the conversation I found out he is in fact a full time bible college student, and he is planning to become a preacher, so here I talk to this guy about life and journey I been through, we had not much problem with the conversation, but while we talk about the churches, we had a different view with the Hillsong Church, He point out it is not very health church because they preach “parts” of the bible I think he mean they preach in a way too personal. He said it is not right to I don’t think the pastor tell a lie there, in a simile way he think it is not a church Jesus as the standard and teaching the bible… well. I don’t really think so, and I can really say they place Jesus first and helping people second, and about the preaching part I think it is important to realize there will be wrong message in this world and I believe the gift of Spirit can guide us the way. The more we talk about it, the more I want to ask about the ministry and he ask me two question there...

1. The very first question to ask myself, “If you going to die today… Are you 100% sure you going to Heaven?” If your Ans. “Yes”

2. “How would you answer Jesus to let you enter the Gate of Heaven?”

How would you really answer it, I don’t think you can really “DO” anything to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, I mean you can’t DO anything to get to Heaven, Jesus GIVEN the way to you. You can’t do anything but to receive it. It is really the answer there, it is not things to do make you to Heaven, it is how u understands the cost that the cross makes for you and follows him day by day.


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