Monday, January 08, 2007

Renewing the mind~

On the other hand I think it is something I been working on~ The renewing of the Mind-Set~ I think everyone of us had to go through some area of our life that we kinda take a step back and refuse to change, and to me I think of my mind is like that sometimes~ If you understand the "differences" between the Soul and Spirit, well that might be confusing Lol That’s see, while you got save through the Grace of God, His Salvation promise to give you the Spirit~ *It is from God* Yeah that Spirit lives in You~ But really that’s the very first thing God "begin" His work in you~ It is one thing you getting save through Salvation, and it is totally different thing you got to save your Soul *That’s wt’s in You* too~ in the other word "Spirit" is given to you from God, but now you gonna to renew your mind to save "Soul". See, The Work of Salvation is a "finished" work and Jesus had done that for us, we can not doing anything to change that~ But, "With us"…God had a whole lots to do in our life~ And one of the biggest thing in my life is renewing the mind~ Since I got save, I had change a lot in so many different way, but my mind is not willing to change, so it is like fighting inside hard~ To tell the true, I never think I had some area in my character, ya so many things I been through…I’m like "Oh man~ It is really who I am *Having a mind-set like that?*" I think there is part of our Walk with God, by renewing our mind-set~ And That’s from reading the Words & Building relationship with God~ Well guys, That’s my goal of 2007, Renewing the mind-set~


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