Monday, January 08, 2007

Taking the step~

I think of the new year~ I think it is a season of taking step again, the past months I would said "Really Dry Time" on my own, but the more I come to God, the more I fill with that Living Water again~ Yeah, it is so easy in life… off focus on what’ really important~ I think that’s what I learn *still learning everyday* ~ Just speaking of this "whole school thingy" I been going through, over and over again, I think of going into bible college…it had been waved so many times, more and more I can tell I speak of it a lots~ "Yeah I plan to go to bible college…yeah I’m going to be a youth pastor, yeah I want to start a ministry" All theses came out my mouth very often~ On and on my parent were both confuse, they’re separated long time ago, but went it comes to "school thingy" they both think I should finish my university first, first I’m like so against it~ No "I don’t want to do it because I don’t know wt to take in U" That’s my answer, and more and more I said, "Okay I really respect all these people suggest but I still want to go to bible college" My mind across, "Yeah I know it is a patience thingy, and it is written in my heart to honor my parent as the Words said~" But to tell the truth I don’t really want to go that way, I still want to go to bible college, but again, I know it is not the right moment and really not possible with the financial problem here…so many people had told me to go to bible college after, listen to my heart, I know how I love my parent, ya I might not have a good relationship with them but it doesn’t change the Love comes With me, I can not deny the fact that I need to honor them by going to university, and next would be my mind-set again, see that’s what take me a few months to decide~ I know how bad I manage things and making decision in life~ But that’s when I need to slow and listen to God~ So I spent days talking to God~ I know surely going to bible college is in my "heart", it is deeply burning in my heart, but not in my "hand" this moment…and more I think of it, I know I’m not ready for it… "It is good to build a good foundation before you do anything" I been asked before, "So Andy, what’s your relationship with God now?" I’m shock in these days, caz I can not really answer that…Ya I more focus on "things" happening in my life right now, than really got to build that relationship with God… Yep...I been here, it is like one of those falls. As I know in my heart, but so easy to come out of my mind eh~ To be honest, "bible college, youth pastor, money, family, ministries…" All these will fade away while I died, but the relationship with God will last forever~ Didn’t we forgive it sometimes? Didn’t we hold back from knowing him sometimes or maybe there is area in life that make us off focus on Him~ I know the answer again, Okay…I will honor as you comment, to honor these people I love!

"As I delight in you, you will give me the desire of my heart!!"


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