Friday, October 27, 2006

May The Force Be With You~

I remember when I first time watch the Star Wars Movies, it took me a GOOD time to finish it, I would say I really like it Lol Yeah~ "Use the Force Luke... LOL" Anyway, talking of force, it should be some kind of energy in you, make you special ~super power Lol! I remember the guy speaking of forces, talk about Faith in us as the "Force". As a Christian we are always on the fight, like a boxing game. Your enemies will always try to get you, in any different form *it could be depressions, stresses, sickness, breaking up of relationships* ANYTHING! Even in time you think you’re winning, you might get knock down so quickly that you don’t even notices, and when you fall…it is so EASY to just lay down on the ground than getting up. There is time you feel like there is NOT a reason to get up again… “But the Lord” is with you always! I think you always have a point of life you feel like no one finishes your sentence in your mind… but in the end of your sentence I believe you can always finish with “But the Lord is…” Remember “When everything fades, Faith is the only thing you can stand on!” Just as you lose a round doesn’t mean you lose a game here! The fight is not over until you said so, you still have Faith, you still have Joy, you still have Love!!~ The word of the Lord today is “When everything fades, Faith is the only thing you can stand on!" Learn to stand on your faith in those times! ~May The Force Be With You~


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