Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sunday Afternoon~

Well, it is a burning hot out there~ I go with David *the guy drive me to church* for lunch, we went over to the Westfield *the shopping center* we meet some people from church too, and I go with the other guy I knew before. It is kinda of random me sitting there~ oh well, I end up doing window shopping Lol ya fun~ but not unless playing soccer all day sore here Lol out of shpae...caz I'm fat isn't it Lol Ohhh~ ya and we drive to church for the evening service.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your lazy and fat Andy... and we love you anyways... at least we will when you get back in shape... eh? EEHHH?

3:04 p.m., November 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooo Andy is playing soccer!! Is your ankle better yet??

8:51 a.m., December 04, 2006  

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