Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Power House~ Youth service

Finally, I’m back~ I seen Lois, and he is so surprise I’m here Lol Well, I say hi to people and I took a good hour looking for Tahiti~ Yah and here is the guy wearing white shirt Lol He is so excited that I’m here ya good to see you Tahiti~ Lol So wooahh~ Praise & Worship music, time to dance and sing for the Lord Lol~ The moment of life, the Source of soul.. To worship Him!

I’m glad I got to sit in the reserve sit Lol Thanks Tahiti~ The lady was speaking tonight~ the foundation of the Hillsong Youth eh Lol *Sorry I can’t really remember her name here~ bad in memorize Lol* But it is not the name that define you…really it is your testimonies~ your stories define you eh Lol So ya, the words she spoken tonight really hit me so deep~ Speaking of Christian Life, it is always easy to stay in the comfort zone, but really in the bible Paul talk about this is not going to be a easy life~ There will be people reject you, there will be things turn totally against you! But the devil will always try to “keep” you in your zone eh~ he don’t really have to do much, he is doing a good job if you not doing anything~ So Friends, do not let your enemies get you~ be strong here, there is always something you can do, to serve for God~ there is always opportunities~ You been waiting for one? Open your eyes, It is right next to ya~ you might said, “well Andy… that’s not what I want to… Wala?” Ya it might not be the thing you want to do, but my friends, that’s what God want you to be doing Lol There is always a way, if you truly seeking here!

The most topic touches my heart tonight was that moment she said, “Here I want to ask you a question... For those answer “Yes” right the way and those “waited, and put it as a trying days” I want you to listen to the question here again, “Do you truly know the cost…to follow this Christ?” It is true that Jesus freely given the life to you and all you have to do is receive it~ But here I’m asking you… “Do you know the cost it had pay on that cross?” Do you truly know? Not just saying yes, there is something beyond that answer… don’t you think so? Are you truly willing to give up everything you have to follow Jesus? Everything ya~ how about your mom, *Hey that’s not a joke People Lol~ But that’s funny Lol Aha, okay the jokes never get old Lol okay…trying to be serious here* What if it is someone close to you, how about your boy/girl friend? Your loved? Something you own? Are you willing to give up? The Cost…Friends, it is so much more than you can imagine! I’m here in this place for a reason, and sure I had given up something to be here, but think about the cost that Jesus had pay…I think about how people had blessed me to become the Andy I AM today…! Sound like some big questions? It is not just something you heard in a Sunday, it is really related to you, every signal day through your life~ friends! Think about it, and how you really do with the gifts given to you~


Blogger United14 said...

thanks for posting but this blog is not for money man~

3:05 p.m., November 14, 2006  

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