Tuesday, November 28, 2006

College Encounter Meeting~

The college counter week end in this morning, there is so many people graduating eh~ I realize the light in this room is so bright… The World is going to be changed in this very generation~ Do you believe you can be part of this? Praying, praying, don’t stop praying~ The Sound in this room is strong, and mighty~ there is something here in this room… just amazing!! Well, I’m not a college student but there is so much I had learn just sitting there~ Learn to have fun, they made the "fire-tunnel" well, I should of have my camera with me Lol The song we sing…I think it call "Song to nations" It is such a powerful song! There are so many needs out there, to the world, there are children dying of hunger, diseases… ya I know people will say well, it is not we don’t want to do something…but~ Hey stop there, this is not a generation just sit and watch, something must be done! Jesus had not come to be part of the World; Jesus had come to save the World~ the Mighty Savior!! The question is… Would you be part of this?


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