Sunday, November 05, 2006

Encounterfess Day 2

Afternoon~ The Will of God

Afternoon service is selective, so you get to choose here. Well, I will go and check with Big sis’~Lol So ya~ I realize one thing is true, if you hung out long enough with kids, it does make you like a kid~ Lol
Speaking of the Will of God. Jeanne said it sound like something Super Nature~ Will of God eh? Most the people will think... how do we know really? But in fact the Super Nature can be Very Nature~ Let’s put it this way, we all know what’s a harbor light is? It is for guiding the ship to the land. Jeanne said when it comes down to the Will of God; it is like three harbor lights here. First would be the words of God, the bible talk about your words is like a lamp to my feet… showing my path. Yes, a lamp, the words of God is like a lamp, but a lamp can’t really shine farer than your feet eh, mean by that each step you take, you got to be step by step.

The second harbor light would be the Peace of God. When it comes to Will of God, people may think it is something you hated to do but God just pushing here. But friends, the Peace of the Lord is within his Will, it is not his Will to force you do things with anger, madness. And more the peace of God is mean no matter what happen outside, you can still have peace inside... The third harbor light would be The Circumcises “Events”~ well, it could be advice from friend or parent, it could be your dream, it got to be something to know it right? You can’t be sitting here and did nothing expecting things to happen...Come On Friends~ One of thing I think she said come to mind is… “Not to hurry, because hurry doesn’t help, hurry kills the Spirit!” And remember the Evil one always wants you to be hurry, Evil Spirit Push; but the Holy Spirit lead! “When three of the Harbor lights line up in a line, there’s the Will of God~” I was like wow~ It sound something to me… How can you expect something more than that~ One of the thing it come to me always is like… I seen like know the answer but I don’t know how to express it Lol~ *And all the people said, Grrr LOl~*


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