Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Encounterfess Day 3

Evening Service~ What's your dream?

It finally goes down to the End of Encounterfess 2006… Going to church four days in a roll~ Lol that’s the first. Well, It is not the matter of going to church, but the matter of being parts of the church and that’s like what we should be doing everyday. I’m so amazed what God been showing me here~ It been really a blessing to me to be part of this, encountering God… the more encountering Life~ So Big Sis’ going to speak tonight. Speaking of Big Sis’, I found her story is so similar to me, born in a non-Christian Background. When she got a chance get into university. She rather goes to a bible college. The very same question been asked, Why bible college? What is that dream you holding? That’s the question she asks tonight? Dream, to be a dream got to be something bigger than you, right? It got to be something you had never done before. When I first got to Australia, there were so questions in my mind, what can I do here… what you showing me? If that’s the way to youth ministry, where’s the path?

She spoke again, “What is your dream? “Do you have one? You been forgotten? You been given up or is it because of other people said about you will never make it? What is your dream... the Words came across again and again... I got a lot of dream about myself, mean a lot I don’t even really remember... I don’t know~ But I know you Lord... “Isn’t the answer already given to you?” You’re here again right, aren’t you? And you’re here for a reason Andy! Like you always question yourself, WHY YOUTH~ why not really listen to people out there to aim something high… like making millions dollar? Have lives most the people dream of? Dream of making you feel good. Well, it would be lies if I said I never think of doing that, but every time I knee down and listen to my heart here… I don’t want that~ It shouldn’t been just me, there is something more than just me. Well, Andy if that’s not about you, it got to be something big~ Listen here again, “If it is not about you, it got to be something bigger! High Above!!”

“If you don’t have one, I will give you one, how about to know Him more?” To know this God, not just look at Him from distance but truly come, and have that relationship with God!” I think that’s best for me, I want to know Him more~ Jenna said a prayer that moment, she said, “Rise up our hand… think of the dream you really want God to show you, hold your hand tidily, that’s your dream you holding~ I see it there, it is the room full of people *I couldn’t really tell that’s a room or what…just so many people~* And I seen me walking through the people, there is people I know, I seen my mom, my sister, my dad, I seen you guys WCC people, I seen a lot and a lot, I seen you ALL, Friends!!~ And you guys make a way for me, I walk pass it but there’s something holding me back… the fears… the Darkness is close again...

That’s the moment I stop there, “Come on, keep moving, there is something up there. Not the time to stop here, don’t look back here!” But it is so close to me to not see it,*Don’t u guys feel like that sometime?* and I remember it, I heard the voice … “Do you believe?”Ya~ The very first question I being ask before, over and over again… but this time is different, it is not that I heard it… It is in my heart! You were speaking to me Lord! Yes… I do believe, I been hold on to the answer so many times before, but this time.. Today is the day, after today is no more today~ Today is the Salvation!! And I want to tell You, I do believe in YOU!! I got away and I start to run, there is nothing, nothing going to stop me! And I see a stair, a stair that’s shinning with bright light~ I seen light, I follow and I went up there! There is You!~ The Light, I went into the light, and the whole people follow… become light… The light across there shinning upon me... seem like saying “This is the One~” That’s not the words I can express what I seen, I don’t know if that’s just the thing I think of, or people must said, “Andy you’re on something?” Lol~ Well, I don’t know, but one thing I know is... I’m following that Light~ The Light that indescribable, it will always take away Darkness~ unchangeable… It will always be showing the way~ The light that not just shinning today but eternal!! That’s the dream, not my dream, but His dream!!

Here I really pray for those been in the darkness, you might be never seen this light before, you might be searching for but you give up, but the true is the light will never given up on you~ and I pray you will find this light~ The Hope of Nations ~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are such an encouragement to me my love. You're faith is so strong and so beautiful. If I even have half of the faith that I see within you, then I count myself lucky. But I am afraid that my faith has been greatly lacking of late. But reading your blog has made me stop and think and re-evaluate where I am standing in my walk with the Lord. Continue to keep me in your prayers as you are always in mine. And thankyou for helping me to stand when on my own I would only fall. You are one of my dearest and most beloved friends, never forget that. *HUGS*

7:39 p.m., November 13, 2006  

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