Hillsong Conference... Day 1

There were about 24,000 people all over the global gather in the Sydney Olympic Park- Acer Arena. It is the biggest event through out the year, and it is my honor to be part of it. I'm involving in full time volunteer with hosting team.
Everything was so expected, but in the same time so unexpected...
The conference went on from Monday to Friday. Full on rallies through out the day time and night. As volunteer we have to be there around 730a.m. Most the college student here have to take the bus provide by the church. So... the alarm clock went off at 5a.m. "Nice and Shine, gave God the Glory *Steve singing* Lol and we are ready to go. Day 1 started....
It was such really cold morning. Oh come on Andy you should know what is cold...you were from Canada Lol... this is something else... I walk the good 15 minutes to church, make it on the bus. Well the sun was not even up yet and we all got there by 7a.m. This was in fact the second time I been here, np third time Lol It was last Friday I came with the college team and set up all the seats there Lol Everything were set up and ready to go. There were around 4,000 or more volunteers to run the whole conference...you can imagine how big it going to be. Well personally I'm all pump up... I'm very expected about this conference I would said. When I first came to Church last year was the month right after Conference 2006 and I had heard so many wonderful feed back from all other people. One of the very reason was something that I seen few months ago that been make me wonder. I remember it was at EncounterFess 2006, I seen this vision of a person hold his hand high, it is something else... I seen people, I seen light... I don't really know how to express this. But this conference stair up something in my heart.
The Conference Opening was amazing, with all these people in the house. I feel the impact of unity and full on expected all things going to be happenining. I remember it was Jentezen Frankin- one of the world class pastor said, "There is people out there only dream of the conference like that... we're living in the mid of somebody's dreams...there are so many to be done, churches" Yes, it is always great to see churches all over the global to gather here, but I realize this conference is not just a meeting... it is a calling. Yes it is like the theme of the conference said, it is for the cause of Christ and see the Church of Jesus Christ go forward in this world. The beginning of the Dream Conference started, and I have no idea how things can turn around... so much eh~