Friday, October 27, 2006

May The Force Be With You~

I remember when I first time watch the Star Wars Movies, it took me a GOOD time to finish it, I would say I really like it Lol Yeah~ "Use the Force Luke... LOL" Anyway, talking of force, it should be some kind of energy in you, make you special ~super power Lol! I remember the guy speaking of forces, talk about Faith in us as the "Force". As a Christian we are always on the fight, like a boxing game. Your enemies will always try to get you, in any different form *it could be depressions, stresses, sickness, breaking up of relationships* ANYTHING! Even in time you think you’re winning, you might get knock down so quickly that you don’t even notices, and when you fall…it is so EASY to just lay down on the ground than getting up. There is time you feel like there is NOT a reason to get up again… “But the Lord” is with you always! I think you always have a point of life you feel like no one finishes your sentence in your mind… but in the end of your sentence I believe you can always finish with “But the Lord is…” Remember “When everything fades, Faith is the only thing you can stand on!” Just as you lose a round doesn’t mean you lose a game here! The fight is not over until you said so, you still have Faith, you still have Joy, you still have Love!!~ The word of the Lord today is “When everything fades, Faith is the only thing you can stand on!" Learn to stand on your faith in those times! ~May The Force Be With You~

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

History Maker~

The question came to me... I think that was the first time I being asked like that, I kind of in shock for a second, I never think of doing that..."History Maker?" That's sth really big, too fantasy...can I do it? To make history, to do sth do one had done before... Wait, Andy...what do you think u're doing, what do you think you're this is for, it is about you? Are you making your history, look at the past human history they had made, is it something u want to repeat over and over again.. Look at the bible, is all the stories there about them, is it just cool to writen your name in the bible? Look to your heart here, isn't that the answert there...What's is the true here, what are you looking for, is it something from you, or somthing from above... Jesus told you not to be apart with the world, you are not making history of this earth, You are making the history from above! To built His Kingdom, to show people there is a better way, to bring the light to the darkness places, to prove Love is Real and we are hungry for it. For Heaven and Earth will fade but His words will last forever! The words of the Lord today is like those had question before...and Jesus look at those who question... "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." It is possible, there is the generation to be rise up, and today is the day, after today is no more today. NOW...Rise up...All the History Maker!!

Europe Friends~

I remember the first day I know Lois, that was after the morning service and I went over to the second floor. And I was hoping to see everyone t
o talk to, and here is the French man came Lol Lios is a funny guy, REALLY friendly to people Lol Yes, I wanna if all the French people is like that Lol Anyway...We have some fun time talking, I remember that was the time I still have a lot things in mind, maybe that all I need, just to talk to people...Lois invite me over for lunch, so we went on the bus, the church had free bus line to the college resident. On the way, I meet John, he is roommate with Lois. He was born is Switzerland I think *Aha..opps I can always ask and change it later Lol*

Anyway Lol I went over to the apartment they staying and I meet the other two guys, they are both funny people. John made lunch for me and it is pretty amazing how they made food, well… the highlight has to be that bread on the table Lol... John’s favor Lol Hmmm Heavenly Lol We went back to church for the evening service later afternoon, it was great to know these guys, breaking through the stress here!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

City Trip~

I went over to the city and I’m going to meet a guy, umm he is friend of my friend which I don’t really know him. So the whole story start should go back to a month ago, I was at ECC church, *that’s the church Harmony went to and I went there several times, so I was checking out the board and I found the connect group page *like cell group type thing*, so I was phoning random people on the page ha Lol, and I found the name of Turner, *Hey Dave you’re the man Lol* anyway I phone a guy Harry Turner and I have a chat with him, and I found out he is actually from Australia, well what can I say and I ask him if I can have some support there, so here I’m going to meet the friend Harry introduced me Lol Do you guys believe in connection God to you? Well, that was the first time I went to the city and it is really big I would said Lol umm, I get off the train and walk through the shopping centre and I went to a place call Town Hall. It is a really old building I think and we meet there.

His name Darrly, and he is from Singapore, he move to Australia several years ago, to tell the truth I don’t know why I want to see this guy I mean I suppose to find someone helping me to find some school information, but through the conversation I found out he is in fact a full time bible college student, and he is planning to become a preacher, so here I talk to this guy about life and journey I been through, we had not much problem with the conversation, but while we talk about the churches, we had a different view with the Hillsong Church, He point out it is not very health church because they preach “parts” of the bible I think he mean they preach in a way too personal. He said it is not right to I don’t think the pastor tell a lie there, in a simile way he think it is not a church Jesus as the standard and teaching the bible… well. I don’t really think so, and I can really say they place Jesus first and helping people second, and about the preaching part I think it is important to realize there will be wrong message in this world and I believe the gift of Spirit can guide us the way. The more we talk about it, the more I want to ask about the ministry and he ask me two question there...

1. The very first question to ask myself, “If you going to die today… Are you 100% sure you going to Heaven?” If your Ans. “Yes”

2. “How would you answer Jesus to let you enter the Gate of Heaven?”

How would you really answer it, I don’t think you can really “DO” anything to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, I mean you can’t DO anything to get to Heaven, Jesus GIVEN the way to you. You can’t do anything but to receive it. It is really the answer there, it is not things to do make you to Heaven, it is how u understands the cost that the cross makes for you and follows him day by day.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Open your eyes and see!

Being Christian does not mean we are better than others, but as a Christian we can show people a better way for life! Some people live their life with depression, over-stress, and fall in all kinds of desire to fill up life, but they never find the fulfillment to their hearts, they still living an empty life. Now Jesus said, “Come and follow me!” So many people start to think, “What’s really about? What’s this Jesus guy talking about?” Why would so many people influence by him? People heard all kinds the stories about him, they just know from second hand, but they never experience, they never seek God themselves. Some people think God will solve their problem in their desire; it is okay to know God just to make your day easier. Open your eyes now, God does not give you an “easier” life, he given a life with “purpose”. Don’t be blink, seek God yourself… with all your heart. Believing in the Power of the Spirit! God will bring you a bigger picture, and you will see the Glory of our God.

I pray to God let eyes of our hearts be open, to see the big picture, see the Glory of God!

Peace Bro~

Freedom In Me~

Yesterday I went to the service. Being part of the family I would said! It was really great to gather together. We talk about freedom tonight. What’s it all about when we said freedom in Christ. The world with poverties, sickness, homeless... People were facing depression, hopeless and living a meaningless life. They were being “boxed”, as a Christian we are “called” to share the words of God, to save the world, to build his Kingdom!! But in the same time we are so easy to being put down by people’s disagreement, things we do might not sound right with people “expectations”. So often we can be “boxed”. The devil uses all kind of different way to “boxed” you. If you’re not moving, if you’re not showing your love to people, you’re just being “boxed” here. One thing is true to them, they don’t really have to tempted you do anything bad you know, the devil is happy to just “boxed” you. This is always a way here, by the power of the cross, we are set free. Jesus came and saved the world, he died on the cross for our sins, and he defeated death so that we can live with Him in Spirit and Truth. So here is the freedom, you’re not longer “boxed” by your own thoughts, cultures, or anything other thing. You’re free, free from all the things, you’re not longer called a failure… You are a child of God!!

I pray we will always remember the Freedom in Christ

Peace Bro~

Worship~ Youth service -Words to the Lord

Well, what can I say Lol By your grace I was here, the house of God. What I see is all the people united with their hearts. People are so excited, dancing and singing. Well…I’m not really used to do that Lol. The family I see, they are really a family! I seen people putting up their hands, sing it out, cry it out, knee down…for the very ONE reason. I couldn’t express this, I want to give this heart again, I know I’m not strong my own, and often feel broken inside. Fears & thoughts… But when I look at you, there is always a WAY!! I was up to the front stage, and there is a guy came up to me and pray for me, just from the words he spoken, I really felt the Spirit moving to my heart…it is POWERFUL! One of the things he said is very true to me, “Do not be fear to do, if God’s calling to you!” The service end, but there is so many people were still sitting there…*ya, it will never end to pray to the Father!* Somehow a memory came out of my head, it was like one of the youth rally at Western. That was the night where everyone at the auditorium, I was sitting there… going through a lot of stuff inside, so I walk out, to the field. I talk to God, I don’t understand a lot of things, and I don’t know…I’m not sure. By the time I went back in, I couldn’t believe my eyes, I seen people crying, I see people just knee down. I don’t know what had happen, I keep asking people, but no one can told me what had happen…until my best friend told me, “It was God…Andy” I don’t understand, how can I miss that, what is it really about! I always want to see that again, until God spoke to me... “What you looking for, Son?” I couldn’t answer, but right that moment, I understand…there is not a experience, this is not a feeling. This is God! It is beyond all those things! FOR GOD ALONE!! And then there…the very first time I knee down in front of some many people. Here… this is the thing I looking for, to see your glory in my life!

Song in my heart…Words to the Lord!

I stand in what I believe my faith in you! It is not about others, it is about me & you! I believe no one can save my soul but you. It is important to know, all these people we know, they believe in me, they are so good to me, I’m not alone here caz you had showed me so much, I believe that is not just a dream, it is so true to me. Just as this song, this cross place deep down in my heart, in my soul! Look up, look up and see. Let my soul out of this prison, so that I can shout out your name! I had been down, thoughts like fire, my hand is burning, sorrow & pain, and then I called out to you, I want to see you Lord! I want to touch you! Why would be so hard to do, why would so hard to sing, to speak up, to show your love? I want to sit at your table; I want to see your light, light up my soul with the living fire. Overall you are the Lord! Every time I call out to you…this song will never end!

My little sister

I’m looking her, she is so cute Lol I like watching her sleepy face, it just looks so pure, so real to me… I wonder if my older sister looks like that when she was young Lol I really pray for this little girl, as she walks through this narrow way, that the Lord will guard her from family stress, depression and wouldn’t walk into shadow of darkness!

By Faith I believe~ blessings are the children, for they are the closest to the Kingdom of Heaven!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hillsong Church

For those don't know Hillsong Church, it is the largest local church here in Australia, and I was so amazing how a local church can bring such an impact. The very first feeling is like, so great to see people gather together and worship God. It is not about how big the church is, how many numbers of the people there is, how nice the building is. It is about the hearts of people and God alone is worthy! Church is not the building you “go” to…Church is the people; Hillsong Church is only a very small part of the whole picture. All the churches plus “WE”, all the people on Earth is THE CHURCH Jesus talking about! Let's stand in what you believe!

First to Australia...

I'm just writing some of the thoughts about
Australia. It is Spring time here, and HOT HOT day time, COLD COLD night time... Okay I'm being wired here Lol I stay at my dad place and it is like far from the main city. I didn't know anyone here, or any places. So I think Church is the only connection I have. Years ago, I been heard about the Hillsong Church but I never imagine I would really be part of this...


Hey Everyone,
Welcome to my blog, that would be the first time posting here, I think it would be great to share some stories and lifes here. Hope you guys enjoy it!
P.S. The posting time & date is different

Peace & Blessings